Burying Time Capsule

Burying Time Capsule
1859 - 150th Anniversary of Parish - 2009 (photo by Scott & Debbie Travers )

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

What's New in our Diocese of NS and PEI?

     There's lots of information online regarding the diocese we belong to - Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island.  You can receive the weekly Anglican NetNews by subscribing at... 
Check-out this week's Anglican NetNews...
     Here's what's going on this week...
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From the Bishop’s Office


Ordination of Ms. Mellanie Cohoon as a Transitional Deacon | Installation of Metropolitan | Ordination and Installation of the Rev. David Edwards, ordination as Bishop/Installation as Bishop of Fredericton Read More


The Very Rev. John Wright-Appointment | The Rev. Shona Boardman-Resignation | The Rev. Andrew Cook,Appointment | Ms. Mellanie Cohoon-Ordination | Installation of Metropolitan | Ordination and Installation of The Rev. David Edwards Read More

Where is the Bishop

Bishop Ron's schedule for the week. Read More

Notification of Openings

St. John's, North Sydney * Job site of Anglican Church of Canada Read More

Synod Office Notices


Autumn is a great time for offering Christian Formation teaching on the basics of the faith. Whether it's in a small group setting or as a preaching series, there are plenty of materials available. There are four new documents available from the Diocesan Website (www.nspeidiocese.ca). Read More

Synod Office Notices

SafeR Church Webinar | Diocesan Heating Oil Program Read More

Social Justice

The Diocese of NS & PEI Environment Challenge!

The Diocesan Environmental Task Group will challenge the parishes of the diocese to think about their environmental impacts and take action to make change in their communities. Each month will bring a new challenge, new ideas, and opportunities for new growth! Read More

Climate Summit

It is just two weeks until the UN convene world leaders at their Climate Summit on 23rd September 2014. Various events are taking place in the lead up to the Summit and in the week following to engage faith communities and make sure our voice is heard. There are some fantastic opportunities for churches in the UK and globally to get involved – don’t miss out! Read More

World Day For Peace

September 21 is World Day for Peace. Around the world, people of many different faiths and people of no religious affiliation will focus on peace. Please encourage your members to join this focus on peace in some way that makes sense in your community. Read More

Week For Peace In Palestine and Israel -

Week For Peace In Palestine and Israel - Every year the World Council of Churches designates a week for peace in Palestine and Israel. Christian leaders in Palestine prepare resources and encourage churches around the world to 'pray, learn, and advocate' for peace. The week this year is: Sept. 21 - 27. Read More


The Annual PWRDF Diocesan Workshop will be held at on Saturday, October 25 at Holy Trinity Church Hall in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia. Read More

Food Banks and Beyond

Solutions for Eliminating Hunger in Our Community | World Food Day, Thursday, October 16th, 2014. Read More

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